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DSpace FIMA-docencia: Envíos recientes
Mostrando ítems 841-860 de 21559
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Microwave optics experiments
García Fernández, Miguel
Perovskite as a High-Energy radiation detector
Garcia Moreno, Paula
Gramàtica, intensionalitat i teoria de la ment en el trastorn de l’espectre autista
Tarantino, Katia
La multimodalidad del lenguaje: un estudio observacional sobre la integración comunicativa en el trastorno del espectro autista
Fioretti, Silvia
Molecular Dynamics Simulations of the Nanoparticle-Protein Corona
Fernández Esteba, Marc
L'occità a Catalunya: un cas d'oficialitat extraterritorial
Saracho Corrales, Miquel
Trajectories with constant acceleration, jerk, etc. in 2D Minkowski spacetime
Palol i Coma, Ferran de
Cooperative dynamics of active heterogeneous systems
Falip i Garcia, Oriol
Micro-rheometer with a modular pump: theoretical approach
Ferre Torres, Josep
Introduction to the Hubbard Model
Díaz Jiménez, Juan Luis
Brane-world localized gravity and the AdS/CFT correspondence
Frias Perez, Miguel
Lingüística feminista: lectures sobre el monolingüisme
Oliver i Coll, Elisabet
Estimación no paramétrica de densidades a través de la wavelet de Haar
Mérida Rodríguez, Josep
Simulation of obstacle overcoming by processive molecular motors
Buñuel Muriscot, Arnau
The confined hydrogen atom
Cánovas Montes, Manuel Antonio
Implementation of the radio/jet mode AGN feedback in the AMIGA model
Colom Bernadich, Miquel
Thermal cloaking via heat ux transformation
Burillo Santamaria, Alejandro
Bell's spaceship paradox
Ceresuela Torres, Jesús Miguel
Are Estonians ready to integrate the new refugee situation in their imaginary?. Analysis of the factors that hinder integration
Mattioli Aramburu, Ana
Análisis y aplicación del modelo Double Chain Ladder
Angulo Gallego, Cristian
Mostrando ítems 841-860 de 21559
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