Ballico, E.; Miró-Roig, Rosa M. (Rosa Maria)
Fix a smooth projective 3-fold X, c1, H ∈ Pic(X) with H ample, and d ∈ Z. Assume the existence of integers a, b with a ≠ 0 such that ac1 is numerically equivalent to bH. Let M(X, 2, c1, d, H) be the moduli scheme of H-stable rank 2 vector bundles, E, on X with c1(E) = c1 and c2(E) · H = d. Let m(X, 2, c1, d, H) be the number of its irreducible components. Then lim supd→ ∞m(X, 2, c1, d, H) = +∞ .