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Anomalous roughening in experiments of interfaces in Hele-Shaw flows with strong quenched disorder

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dc.creator Soriano i Fradera, Jordi
dc.creator Ortín, Jordi, 1959-
dc.creator Hernández Machado, Aurora 2011-07-07T12:50:50Z 2011-07-07T12:50:50Z 2003 2024-12-16T10:27:18Z 2024-12-16T10:27:18Z
dc.identifier 1539-3755
dc.identifier 509775
dc.description We report experimental evidences of anomalous kinetic roughening in the stable displacement of an oil-air interface in a Hele-Shaw cell with strong quenched disorder. The disorder consists on a random modulation of the gap spacing transverse to the growth direction (tracks). We have performed experiments varying average interface velocity and gap spacing, and measured the scaling exponents. We have obtained beta=0.50, beta*=0.25, alpha=1.0, alpha_l=0.5, and z=2. When there is no fluid injection, the interface is driven solely by capillary forces, and a higher value of beta around beta=0.65 is measured. The presence of multiscaling and the particular morphology of the interfaces, characterized by high slopes that follow a L\'evy distribution, confirms the existence of anomalous scaling. From a detailed study of the motion of the oil--air interface we show that the anomaly is a consequence of different local velocities over tracks plus the coupling in the motion between neighboring tracks. The anomaly disappears at high interface velocities, weak capillary forces, or when the disorder is not sufficiently persistent in the growth direction. We have also observed the absence of scaling when the disorder is very strong or when a regular modulation of the gap spacing is introduced.
dc.format 12 p.
dc.format application/pdf
dc.language eng
dc.publisher The American Physical Society
dc.relation Reproducció del document publicat a:
dc.relation Physical Review E, 2003, vol. E67, p. 056308-1-056308-12
dc.rights (c) The American Physical Society, 2003
dc.rights info:eu-repo/semantics/openAccess
dc.source Articles publicats en revistes (Física Quàntica i Astrofísica)
dc.subject Dinàmica de fluids
dc.subject Interfícies (Ciències físiques)
dc.subject Pel·lícules fines
dc.subject Nanoestructures
dc.subject Fluid dynamics
dc.subject Interfaces (Physical sciences)
dc.subject Thin films
dc.subject Nanostructures
dc.title Anomalous roughening in experiments of interfaces in Hele-Shaw flows with strong quenched disorder
dc.type info:eu-repo/semantics/article
dc.type info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersion

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