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Percepcio de riscos en la salut dels joves universitaris

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dc.contributor Gallo de Puelles, Pedro
dc.creator Martínez Botías, Ferran 2018-12-05T11:32:56Z 2018-12-05T11:32:56Z 2018-06 2024-12-16T10:27:10Z 2024-12-16T10:27:10Z
dc.description Treballs Finals del Grau de Sociologia, Facultat d'Economia i Empresa, Universitat de Barcelona, Curs: 2017-2018 , Tutor: Pedro Gallo de Puelles
dc.description (cat) La salut és un element clau en la vida de les persones i, en la societat actual, és també un pilar fonamental del benestar. D’altra banda, els joves són el futur d’aquesta mateixa societat i la seva salut és clau per determinar el paper que jugaran, ells en uns anys, i tots nosaltres. És per això, que l’objectiu d’aquest projecte és el de determinar quins són els riscos en la salut dels joves universitaris, la percepció que tenen aquests sobre la temàtica en qüestió i els estils de vida que segueixen. Aleshores, aquesta investigació ha seguit una metodologia qualitativa, tant en la recollida de teories ja preestablertes sobre aquests tres aspectes a conèixer, com en l’adquisició d’informació a partir de vuit entrevistes a joves universitaris, estudiants de diferents ciències. A partir d’aquí, es disposa d’un anàlisi que relaciona els coneixements teòrics amb el material de camp obtingut, el qual es conclou amb la definició de cinc grans grups de riscos, com són la salut mental, l’alcohol i les drogues, la sexualitat, la violència i la nutrició. A més, es defineixen els estils de vida universitaris a partir de teòrics com Bourdieu, i s’expliquen els motius pels quals els joves porten una vida de riscos a partir de teories sobre la percepció de riscos, com la de Cockerham i les Chances and Choices, per finalitzar amb la determinació de patrons a seguir per tal d’evitar les conseqüències negatives d’aquestes dinàmiques.
dc.description (eng) Health is considered a key element in an individual’s life; and in today’s society, it has become a crucial aspect of it too. Youngsters have become at the same time the future of said societies, and their health situation has become a very important factor in order to determine both their roles and ours in the future. Considering said affirmations, this investigation focuses on the risks that affect the health of college students, their perception and thoughts about the matter, and their lifestyles. It is to be said that this investigation makes use of qualitative techniques, be it for the recollection of the aforementioned data, part of it from the execution of a series of interviews to eight students of different fields. Afterwards, the analysis will focus firstly on the comparison between a diversity of valid theoretical sources and the obtained data from said methods, including the definition of the five main risk groups such as psychological health, alcohol and drugs, sexuality, violence and nutrition. It is important to remark that college students’ lifestyles will be defined making use of prominent figures such as Bourdieu; and the motives that take young people to risky lifestyles will be explained through theories about risk perception, as Cockerham’s “Chances and Choices”, to conclude with the determination of patterns to follow in order to avoid the negative consequences from said dynamics.
dc.description (eng) Health is considered a key element in an individual’s life; and in today’s society, it has become a crucial aspect of it too. Youngsters have become at the same time the future of said societies, and their health situation has become a very important factor in order to determine both their roles and ours in the future. Considering said affirmations, this investigation focuses on the risks that affect the health of college students, their perception and thoughts about the matter, and their lifestyles. It is to be said that this investigation makes use of qualitative techniques, be it for the recollection of the aforementioned data, part of it from the execution of a series of interviews to eight students of different fields. Afterwards, the analysis will focus firstly on the comparison between a diversity of valid theoretical sources and the obtained data from said methods, including the definition of the five main risk groups such as psychological health, alcohol and drugs, sexuality, violence and nutrition. It is important to remark that college students’ lifestyles will be defined making use of prominent figures such as Bourdieu; and the motives that take young people to risky lifestyles will be explained through theories about risk perception, as Cockerham’s “Chances and Choices”, to conclude with the determination of patterns to follow in order to avoid the negative consequences from said dynamics.
dc.format 70 p.
dc.format application/pdf
dc.language cat
dc.rights cc by-nc-nd (c) Martínez Botías, 2018
dc.rights info:eu-repo/semantics/openAccess
dc.source Treballs Finals de Grau (TFG) - Sociologia
dc.subject Sociologia
dc.subject Salut
dc.subject Estils de vida
dc.subject Treballs de fi de grau
dc.subject Sociology
dc.subject Health
dc.subject Lifestyles
dc.subject Bachelor's theses
dc.title Percepcio de riscos en la salut dels joves universitaris
dc.type info:eu-repo/semantics/bachelorThesis

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