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Language Proficiency, Immigration and Labour Market in Spain

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dc.contributor Di Paolo, Antonio
dc.creator Abdelhamid, Lisa 2018-10-19T16:34:19Z 2018-10-19T16:34:19Z 2018 2024-12-16T10:26:55Z 2024-12-16T10:26:55Z
dc.description Treballs Finals del Màster d'Economia, Facultat d'Economia i Empresa, Universitat de Barcelona, Curs: 2017-2018, Tutor: Antonio Di Paolo
dc.description This paper explores the impact of the Spanish proficiency of immigrants on their labour market success in Spain. Using data from the 2007 National Immigrant Survey of Spain, we analyse the effect of language proficiency on several labour market outcomes: employment, contract duration, hours of work, occupational category, self-employment. Applying Instru-mental Variables (IV), the results suggest that Spanish proficiency increases the probability of being employed by 16.5pp. This impact is even more relevant for low-educated individu-als reaching 31.7pp. Overall, immigrants experienced an improvement in their labour market performance in terms of employment and number of hours. We also found that Spanish profi-ciency reduces the probability of being self-employed.
dc.format 34 p.
dc.format application/pdf
dc.language eng
dc.rights cc-by-nc-nd (c) Abdelhamid, 2018
dc.rights info:eu-repo/semantics/openAccess
dc.source Màster Oficial - Economia
dc.subject Emigració i immigració
dc.subject Adquisició d'una segona llengua
dc.subject Mercat de treball
dc.subject Espanya
dc.subject Treballs de fi de màster
dc.subject Emigration and immigration
dc.subject Second language acquisition
dc.subject Labor market
dc.subject Spain
dc.subject Master's theses
dc.title Language Proficiency, Immigration and Labour Market in Spain
dc.type info:eu-repo/semantics/masterThesis

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