Màster d'Enginyeria Ambiental, Facultat de Química, Universitat de Barcelona, Curs: 2017-2018, Tutors: Anna Rigol, Miquel Vidal
The use of sorbents for the remediation of heavy-metal contaminated waters has been widely investigated as high removal efficiencies as those of activated carbon have been reported. However, studies concerning more sustainable, low-cost materials bu equaly effective are necessary. Biochar are biomass residues pyrolyzed under low oxygen conditions, resulting in a porous, low density, carbon rich material. Its large surface area and cation exchange capacity, determined by the biomass source and the pysolysis temperatures, enables enhanced sorption of both organic and inorganic contaminants to their surfaces, redicing pollutant mobility when amending contaminated waters and solids. Hence, in this project, the sorption and desorption of cooper in biochar were evaluated to assess its suitability in remediation actions addressing contaminated waters and soils