Treballs Finals de Grau d'Enginyeria Informàtica, Facultat de Matemàtiques, Universitat de Barcelona, Any: 2018, Director: Jesús Cerquides Bueno
[en] This final degree project is about the current development of Software products. From the beginning, this project will take an idea which will be analyzed and which will be developed in order to get a functional Software product. This way of work, following the Software Development Life Cycle, will make the software
product go through the following phases: One stage about observation of the problem and make the planification, followed by one stage of analysis of the problem and design the product, one stage for the implementation of the product and its tests and its integration and one last stage for maintenance.
Having in mind that the project will be developed following the principles of the Agile methodologies (in this case will be using Scrum) the stages previously mentioned will be repeated for each Sprint.
In addition to choose one Agile methodology, BDD (Behavior Driven Development) will be used as main development methodology instead of using other methods like TDD (Test Driven Development) what will make the developer to think about the expected behavior of all the different services before starting the implementation of the features. During the course of the project, a Software application that will consist of three parts (one Backend that will be a RestAPI, one Frontend developed with HTML and Angular5 with the
different pages to get access to the different services of the Backend and one third part that will be an Android Application with enough screens to make the different calls to the Backend) will be developed.
All these three parts will interact with each other in order to let the Android Application send GPS and time data to the Backend and this data could be visualized from the Frontend. Additionally, the Application will allow the user to register, make login, create groups and join existing groups from other users.
During the development of this application, I will play three different roles: DevOps role to deploy and do maintenance of all the services to use Continuous Integration (CI). This CI services include GitLab, Jenkins and Sonar. Project Manager (PM) role for planning the different work methodologies and doing the Product Backlog using Jira to keep track of the project during the development. Finally, Dev role to develop the application following PM planning using Scrum and BDD.