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Interpolación Spline y aplicación a las curvas de nivel

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dc.contributor Bosch Gual, Miquel
dc.creator Chica Jiménez, José Antonio 2018-05-23T10:35:54Z 2018-05-23T10:35:54Z 2018-01-19 2024-12-16T10:26:26Z 2024-12-16T10:26:26Z
dc.description Treballs Finals de Grau de Matemàtiques, Facultat de Matemàtiques, Universitat de Barcelona, Any: 2018, Director: Miquel Bosch Gual
dc.description [en] In the real world you don’t see the straight lines, both the shapes and the trajectories obey curved lines and curved surfaces that do not follow a generic rule. From always we has tried to study and to be able to control all type of surfaces, either to adjust movements to configurations as in physics or to parameterize surfaces. One of the best ways we have today so that it controlled in a way that matches the data is the interpolation. For the adjustment of curves, splines are used to approximate complicated shapes. The simplicity of representation and the ease of calculation of Splines make them popular for the representation of computer curves, particularly in the field of computer graphics. This text is an introduction to the study of Spline interpolation curves, as well as the main methods, their varieties and their practical uses.
dc.format 54 p.
dc.format application/pdf
dc.language spa
dc.rights cc-by-nc-nd (c) José Antonio Chica Jiménez, 2018
dc.rights info:eu-repo/semantics/openAccess
dc.source Treballs Finals de Grau (TFG) - Matemàtiques
dc.subject Corbes
dc.subject Treballs de fi de grau
dc.subject Interpolació (Matemàtica)
dc.subject Geometria computacional
dc.subject Curves
dc.subject Interpolation
dc.subject Computational geometry
dc.subject Bachelor's theses
dc.title Interpolación Spline y aplicación a las curvas de nivel
dc.type info:eu-repo/semantics/bachelorThesis

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