Serra-Kiel, Josep; Mató, E.; Saula, E.; Travé i Herrero, Anna; Ferràndez i Cañadell, Carles; Busquets, Pere (Busquets i Buezo); Samsó i Escolà, Josep M.; Tosquella i Angrill, Josep; Barnolas, Antonio; Álvarez Pérez, German; Franquès i Faixa, Jordi; Romero, J.
In the southeastern Ebro Foreland Basin, the marine deposits of Lutetian and Bartonian age show excellent outcrop conditions, with a great lateral and horizontal continuity of lithostratigraphic units. In addition, the rich fossil record -mainly larger foraminifers-, provides biostratigraphic data of regional relevance for the whole Paleogene Pyrenean Basin, that can be used for the Middle Eocene biocorrelation of the western Tethys. This contribution is a sedimentary and biostratigraphic synthesis of the basic outcrops and sections of the Lutetian and
Bartonian marine and transitional deposits in the southeastern sector of the Ebro Foreland Basin.