Treballs Finals de Grau d'Enginyeria Informàtica, Facultat de Matemàtiques, Universitat de Barcelona, Any: 2017, Director: Guillermo Blasco Jiménez, Pablo Martínez i Guillem Palomar
In the current context technology is evolving towards a point where all devices are interconnected. At the moment, the technology consumer has a wide range of tools at his disposal that allow him to use all his gadgets as if it were only one, examples of this are the applications for cars [1] and domotics [2]. This phenomenon is known as the Internet of Things or Web 3.0. The Slash and Pair project adds to this trend
and aims to enable the user to use his smartphone as an additional peripheral of his desktop computer.
Slash and Pair (S&P) is a project with two very different modules; S&P Desktop and S&P Mobile. Throughout this document the first S&P Desktop module is treated, which is the project that the actions carried out in the smartphone have repercussion within a web page. Comprehensive analysis of system security is also
included. The development of this project concludes with a functional system that allows the pairing and the sending of data from the Mobile project to the Desktop.