Treballs Finals de Grau d'Enginyeria Informàtica, Facultat de Matemàtiques, Universitat de Barcelona, Any: 2017, Director: Sergio Sayago Barrantes
This final grade project has been carried out in the company app2U during 6 months. The project presents the analysis, design and implementation of a computer system for business between companies (828, Business to Bussiness English) based on an application for iPad controlled from a web administration panel. The application is aimed at sales sector companies that want to manage their sales, catalogues and customers.
This platform comes from customers’ needs, which we gathered while working in the company. Customers want to manage optimally the information that they work with and benefit from this information with the objective of making better decisions.
Basically, this application is a mix of a system of Enterprise Resource Planning ( 'ERP', for its acronym in English, enterprise resource planning), which are informational systems associated with production operation ofa company and a management system of customer relations ( 'CRM', for its acronym in English, customer relationship management). This combination results in a service where registered companies can see their sales and quotes made, manage catalogues, products with their prices and discounts associated, computerize their customers and contacts, make reports and finally analyze these data.
This application aims to improve the sales process and increase sales productivity to provide knowledge of what decisions to make. This is an example of business intelligence (Bl) where the goal is not only improve accessibility to information and work comfortably but provide information in order to guide the end user.
The system consists of a server with all data, which will respond with an admin web panel and an application programming interface (API) that works as a library of data and as interface to communicate with the mobile application.
The knowledge learned throughout the degree and the technologies used in the implementation of the project have enabled the first author to meet the objectives of the project, leading to a platform that is available at