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Interpolation theory and applications to the boundedness of operators in analysis

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dc.contributor Soria de Diego, F. Javier
dc.creator Lendínez Capdevila, Jordi 2017-03-07T11:24:28Z 2017-03-07T11:24:28Z 2016-06-16 2024-12-16T10:23:54Z 2024-12-16T10:23:54Z
dc.description Treballs finals del Màster en Matemàtica Avançada, Facultat de matemàtiques, Universitat de Barcelona, Any: 2016, Director: F. Javier Soria de Diego
dc.description The objective of this work is to introduce some results and applications of Interpolation Theory (as a reference we use the books [4] and [3]) . The interpolation theory was aimed in the two classical theorems: The Riesz-Thorin Interpolation Theorem that motivates the complex interpolation and was proved by Riesz in 1927 but only for the lower-triangle case, and the general case by Thorin in 1938; and the Marcinkiewicz Interpolation Theorem that motivates the real interpolation and was proved by Marcinkiewicz in 1939.
dc.format 125 p.
dc.format application/pdf
dc.language eng
dc.rights cc-by-nc-nd (c) Jordi Lendı́nez Capdevila, 2016
dc.rights info:eu-repo/semantics/openAccess
dc.source Màster Oficial - Matemàtica Avançada
dc.subject Interpolació (Matemàtica)
dc.subject Anàlisi harmònica
dc.subject Treballs de fi de màster
dc.subject Espais funcionals
dc.subject Interpolation
dc.subject Harmonic analysis
dc.subject Master's theses
dc.subject Function spaces
dc.title Interpolation theory and applications to the boundedness of operators in analysis
dc.type info:eu-repo/semantics/masterThesis

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