Treballs Finals de Grau d'Enginyeria Informàtica, Facultat de Matemàtiques, Universitat de Barcelona, Any: 2016, Director: Sergio Escalera Guerrero, Xavier Baró i Solé i Marc Oliu Simón
Constantly new studies and advances in computer vision-based applications appear, a good way to encourage this developments is by creating scientific challenges and workshops. This project is responsible for developing a web platform, entirely in English, which is dedicated to facilitate the creation and monitoring the progress of these competitions and events.
This platform allows visualization of the various competitions created by the organizers, where users visiting the web can see all the information about the challenges like the description, the members participating, the schedule and the results. Along with the competitions are often conducted events related like workshops or special issues, where web visitors can also learn about these kind of events.
Also, if the user is logged on the platform, they can download the data set allocated to a competition and later publish their own post-competition results, where they can compare with the final results of the competition concerned. They also have the possibility of making an event proposal that administrators will analyze, and
create it if they consider it convenient, giving the possibility to the user who made the proposal to edit it.
The platform includes a part for administrator users, having the ability to organize any type of event and its components, and manage all users and sponsors. The website is implemented by Django a Python web framework, along with Bootstrap for the client side.