Treballs Finals de Grau de Pedagogia, Facultat d'Educació, Universitat de Barcelona, Curs:2015-2016, Tutor: Joan Campillo Muñoz
Cinema is part of society for over 100 years, but actually, even the benefit has been considered
as a playful tool in educational area. Considering this framework, the present project has an
objective, a learning project about communicative, social and affective abilities, for students
based in cinema and the new technologies. At first step has been checked what TIC’s are and its
functions, and also, the real situation in cinema, as the educational benefits presents. Also, has
been created a website, can help some educators to improve their film search. Finally, has been
developed a didactic proposal concluding that cinema, given its motivating character, can be a
huge help inside the classrooms.