Màster Oficial en Física Avançada, , Facultat de Física, Universitat de Barcelona, Curs: 2016, Tutors: Oleguer Sagarra, Luce Prignano i Albert Díaz-Guilera.
In this work we analyse the emergence of synchronization in a population of mobile Integrate-and-Fire oscillators with limited vision. By proposing novel interaction rules among oscillators we bridge phenomenology detected in a variety of previous models. In particular, we explore the effect that the effective asymmetry of interactions have on the non monotonic behaviour observed in the synchronization time of the population as a function of their velocities. We recover non linear features with the same origin as [1] but considering only geometrical interactions, and we study the scaling properties of the model as well as predict the values of the parameters where the different dynamical regimes take place.