Objectives: Our starting-point is the idea that we are at a decisive moment in the history of memories of feminisms; an "archival turn", to use Kate Eichhorn's expression. Our objectives are, first, to redefine the characteristics of this archival turn by analysing examples of centres, and the projects of documentary and archival resource centres, in Spain and France in the 1990s and 2000s; second, to contextualized them regarding the evolution of archival concepts and practices, and third, to consider whether there is a dual paradoxical movement between institutionalization and community activism.
Methodology: To test our starting hypothesis, we review the literature applying a strongly interdisciplinary approach: feminist and gender studies, archival studies, French Theory, and cultural studies. We base ourselves on case studies in Spain and France in order to make relevant comparisons.
Results: The first observation we should make is that there is a continuity between the second and third feminist waves in relation to the issue of archives. The second is that there is a turn in the world of archives, but with original features: between reactivation and intensification, between institutionalization and autonomy, these feminist archival activisms have to do with both majority and minority feminisms. Exploring archives belongs more than ever to the repertoire of feminist actions. The third observation is the existence of communities that are heavily supported by feminist archival initiatives.