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Cosmological interaction of vacuum energy and dark matter

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dc.contributor Solà Peracaula, Joan
dc.creator Hormigos Feliu, Clara 2016-10-24T15:49:19Z 2016-10-24T15:49:19Z 2016-06 2024-12-16T10:23:18Z 2024-12-16T10:23:18Z
dc.description Treballs Finals de Grau de Física, Facultat de Física, Universitat de Barcelona, Curs: 2016, Tutor: Joan Solà Peracaula
dc.description Models which allow for an evolving cosmological constant [alfa] are an alternative to the [alfa]CDM model, with a rigid [alfa] term. An evolving [alfa] leads to a coupling of dark energy (associated with the vacuum energy ) either to matter or to the gravitational constant G, which hints that an interaction of dark energy could be present. We study the dynamical vacuum models proposed by (Salvatelli et al, 2014) and (Solà et al, 2015 and 2016), which are based on different assumptions on the evolution. We solve both models and find an effective equation of state for dark energy in each case, recovering the results found by (Solà et al, 2015 and 2016), and find that their effective behavior can be related to that of phantom fields or quintessence models. A recent reanalysis of the (Salvatelli et al, 2014) scenario by the last authors leads to different conclusions more in accordance with observations. Interestingly, the dynamical vacuum models are currently challenging the [alfa]CDM
dc.format 5 p.
dc.format application/pdf
dc.language eng
dc.rights cc-by-nc-nd (c) Hormigos, 2016
dc.rights info:eu-repo/semantics/openAccess
dc.source Treballs Finals de Grau (TFG) - Física
dc.subject Matèria fosca (Astronomia)
dc.subject Energia
dc.subject Buit
dc.subject Treballs de fi de grau
dc.subject Dark matter (Astronomy)
dc.subject Energy
dc.subject Vacuum
dc.subject Bachelor's theses
dc.title Cosmological interaction of vacuum energy and dark matter
dc.type info:eu-repo/semantics/bachelorThesis

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