Treballs Finals de Grau d'Enginyeria Informàtica, Facultat de Matemàtiques, Universitat de Barcelona, Any: 2016, Director: Anna Puig Puig
Learning by doing. Many studies claim that the best way of teaching is by making the students interact with what they want to learn. Accordingly, this Bachelor’s Degree Final Project aims to provide teachers with an aiding tool, specifically in the field of geometry teaching during the last years of primary school. Thus, the
main goal is to design and create a game using Unity with a series of geometry learning activities allowing students in primary and first years of secondary school to progress in an entertaining and engaging way, having them overcome several challenges.
Each student will have their own user and the game will be flexible enough to enable the teacher to analyze their evolution and to identify their difficulties. The teacher will also be able to customize the game, choosing which skills to train, and adding new activities and new 2D and 3D shapes among other geometric concepts.
Thus, the game will consist of a series of campaigns that the students will have to finish in order to obtain complex 3D objects from simpler three-dimensional shapes.
To gain them, it will be necessary to get first some 2D shapes through a series of level-adjusted missions, chosen according to the student’s acquired competences and which, in practice, will become ever more complex. Once this is accomplished, the game enters a second phase in which these flat shapes must be combined to get, through unfoldings, basic 3D objects. The performance speed and the mistakes
made will be taken into account in order to achieve the campaign goals.